In a week full of bad news for the things I care about (private school enrollments are down, tuition tax credit scholarship providers are alleged to be unethical, misleading justifications for socialized health care abound in letters to the editor, etc.), I was betrayed not once, but twice - by people supposedly on the same side of these issues.
These were not broad-stroke, generalized betrayals, they were personal to me. These were not the usual (liberal, God-hating) suspects, they were colleagues I have worked shoulder to shoulder with for several years.
I can't say it didn't affect me emotionally. I went on about my business, but was constantly distracted by the annoying buzz of this memory in the back of my mind (for someone who already suffers from tinnitis, any additional "buzzing" is almost unbearable).
But there were the unexpected redemptive moments, as well. Make no mistake: we live (even at the worst of times) on the other side of redemption - and Christ's victory on the cross over Satan, death, and hell has changed everything. I will carry on in the causes God has given me to fight for. I will trust in His redemptive power, even when I see no positive results in front of my eyes. He does not owe me any additional reassurance or benefits.
The rainbow yesterday was enough to remind me He is there, and He is not silent. It's that simple.